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Difference between Science and technology

The terms science and technology are often used interchangeably, however, the terms have clear differences and goals that separate them from each other.


The terms science and technology cannot be used as synonyms or pronounced as one thing; however, both terms are closely interrelated with obvious and clear differences. According to 24 H Write My Essay  Company cience is all about acquiring knowledge of natural phenomenon and provides the reasons why things happen. People also use the words science and technology interchangeably, however, the goal of science and technology is different. Let us find out the key differences between science and technology that differentiate both terms and fields of knowledge from each other. 

Definition of Science and Technology

Science is derived from a Latin word Scientia, which is a system of gaining knowledge which uses the scientific methods. Science is defined as the pure science and scientific research can be applied in every area of human research to meet specific human needs. Technology, however, is a broad concept that deals with the species and used tools and crafts to control the environment. The science and engineering in a human society play a crucial role in improving the lives of human beings. Therefore, the system of science used experiments and observations.

The knowledge of science has been divided into two major parts, the natural sciences, and social sciences. The natural sciences study the natural phenomena, whereas, the social sciences study the human attitudes and behaviors in particular societies. Science deals more with the methodological approach, whereas, the technology deals more with the tools and creating new products. For example, science has developed computer technology that can be used as a tool to help humans do their work efficiently and powerfully. Science is taught in educational institutions as a subject and theory and much research is done in scientific knowledge.

Therefore, science is a method to acquire empirical knowledge and technology uses the tools to solve human problems. For example, smartphones are an invention of sciences as well that is created by applying the knowledge of electronics and physics. Therefore, sickness is more about knowing and technology is more about doing.

The Goal of Science and Technology

The primary goal of sickness is the pursuit of knowledge to help and benefit human beings. Science deals with experiments and inventions that help mankind to live their lives in a smooth way. Science can acquire or invent new knowledge, or improve existing knowledge. However, the technology, on the other hand, is to create new products in the market to solve complex human life’s problems and improve the quality of life. Therefore, one can conclude that the technology is a practical implementation of scientific knowledge or tools.

Science has many branches and fields such as biology, chemistry, physics, geology, botany, and sociology. On the other hand, technology refers greatly to the things in use including the production of solar panels. The sun produces the heat energy that helps to warm the earth and plants, the human body can function at a certain temperature on earth, which is why the phenomenon is described by the science of meteorology. Therefore, the goal of science is to acquire knowledge of the sake of helping mankind, however, the technology’s goal is to create and invent products to solve day to day problems and improve the quality of human life.

Reason for Comparison

Technology and science both differ in meaning, purpose, and effect, which is why it is important to describe the reason for comparison of both. Science deals with the methodological ways to acquire new knowledge and building new theories. While technology deals more with the practical application of scientific knowledge for a number of good purposes. Science helps scientists to explore new knowledge and horizons that are never before reached by mankind; technology uses the existing laws and rules of science to create new products. Therefore, technology can be both beneficial and dangerous such as computer technology and camera. However, science only aims to develop technology to help people instead of causing unrest in the society or promote bad habits in kids. 


The major difference between science and technology is that science does not change; for example, Einstein’s theory about the speed of light will never change. However, the technology is one thing that constantly changes with time. The smartphones and television screens keep evolving over the years, which are why we can conclude that science is more permanent in nature with its theories and models, but technology is always changing with its varying nature. Technology helps to simplify the work of humans, while science is used t make predictions.